
What is JDK?

JDK is nothing but one type of Software Development Kit.JDK means Java Development Kit.JDK used in Software development environment used to develop java application.IDE and JDK both aer different. Inside of JDk is JRE and  development tools.  JRE inside of JDK.JRE means Java Runtime Environment.Inside JRE is JVM and libraries like rt.jar etc,and other files.Software tools used …

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* pattern program in c++

You all know about programming language. There are many language available for programming but most commen use programming language is C, C++, Java, Right. So, Here we dicuss about pettern program. pettern is important in programming because it’s help to develop our logic. So, we’ll show 4 pattern in C++ or CPP language with output. …

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Difference Between POP and OOP

POP In a POP(Procedure Oriented Programming) emphasis is given to functions or subroutines.Functions are a set of instructions which performs a particular task. Functions are called repeatedly in a program to execute tasks performed by them. The problem with POP approach is its handling of data. POP approach gives no importance to data.In C, a …

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How to create programming language in hindi

Are you looking for concept behind creating programming language. Most people confuse about programming language. I know 100% people want to know about how to create programming language and some people looking for information how to build programming langauge and compiler.