What is JDK?

JDK is nothing but one type of Software Development Kit.JDK means Java Development Kit.JDK used in Software development environment used to develop java application.IDE and JDK both aer different. Inside of JDk is JRE and  development tools. 

JRE inside of JDK.JRE means Java Runtime Environment.Inside JRE is JVM and libraries like rt.jar etc,and other files.Software tools used for java applications. 

JVM means Java Virtual Machine.Inside of JVM is JIT(Just-in-time compilation),Abstract machine also called virtual machine because it doesn’t physically exist. It is a specification that provides runtime environment to execute java byte-code

Java’s Solution to the Portability Problem
Object code is not very portable.
If you have object code that was created on a type A computer, then that object code can run only on a type A computer. 

Like-wise, if you have object code that was created on a type B computer, then that object code can run only on a type B computer.

Java Version History 

•JDK Alpha and Beta (1995)
•JDK 1.0 (23rd Jan, 1996)
•JDK 1.1 (19th Feb, 1997)
•J2SE 1.2 (8th Dec, 1998)
•J2SE 1.3 (8th May, 2000)
•J2SE 1.4 (6th Feb, 2002)
•J2SE 5.0 (30th Sep, 2004)
•Java SE 6 (11th Dec, 2006)
•Java SE 7 (28th July, 2011)
•Java SE 8 (18th March, 2014)
•Java SE 9 (21st Sep, 2017)
•Java SE 10 (20th March, 2018)
•Java SE 11 (25th Sep, 2018)
•Java SE 12 (19th March, 2019)
•Java SE 13 (17th Sep, 2019)

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